Helicoidal v 2.0
EVENT: Ways of Hearing: Art and Sound Practice in Mexico
Mexico City /// Laboratorio de Arte Alameda
PROCESS: DIY Electronics | Sound sculpture

Helicoidal v 2.0

Experimental sound interface

Device that reads in spiral form the architectural space, similar to the grooves of a vinyl record.

An "extensive needle of light" scan and interpret the place into sound narrative.

Original artwork by
Iván Abreu
Featuring / Improvisation
Iván Abreu
Tito Rivas
Industrial designer
Heriberto Holguín
Audiovisual documentation
Malitzin Cortés
Setting up the connection between Tidal Cycles, Processing and the device.
Sound check
Manipulating the orientation of the laser sensor during the live act.
Teaser (line up), Modos de Oír: Prácticas del arte y sonido en México.